Saturday, January 19, 2008

the ticking

when its your time to die, it will manifest as what they've said. in my case, death knocked several times but my soul resisted to answer the one behind the door, so am still alive. i don't know why or how things are happening in my life. this is one purpose i created this blog, to document every little detail that is happening to me.

after office, around in 2003.

it was 6pm on a weekday, exhausted from work i went home with my officemate. that time i was still working as a designer in an export company that does handmade ladies bags and home accessories. there was no other way to get out and get a ride home but to ride the tricycle goin out of the ghastly village. so, we rode a trike that day, i remembered we were even making fun of the driver's id picture when something strong and hard hit our trike. we rolled off like a tin can and i thought this was the end of my life. next thing i remembered, i was standing on the gutter still with all my stuffs intact including a huge umbrella that i was carrying that time while i was staring at my injured friend still inside the trike. we caused traffic that day, i did not believe i was still alive, so i searched for possible wounds all over my body and there was none. not a single bruise. my friend suffered a broken arm in which she was in cast for a month. till now i'm thinking how i did survive such accident. to think i was the one inside and she was near the egress, she could go out easily compared to me but it was the other way around. think of it as a miracle, maybe it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a miracle. You are alive.
I liked your posts.
Email, lets talk, and I can practice my Japanese and tell you my blog as well.