Saturday, January 19, 2008

the ticking

when its your time to die, it will manifest as what they've said. in my case, death knocked several times but my soul resisted to answer the one behind the door, so am still alive. i don't know why or how things are happening in my life. this is one purpose i created this blog, to document every little detail that is happening to me.

after office, around in 2003.

it was 6pm on a weekday, exhausted from work i went home with my officemate. that time i was still working as a designer in an export company that does handmade ladies bags and home accessories. there was no other way to get out and get a ride home but to ride the tricycle goin out of the ghastly village. so, we rode a trike that day, i remembered we were even making fun of the driver's id picture when something strong and hard hit our trike. we rolled off like a tin can and i thought this was the end of my life. next thing i remembered, i was standing on the gutter still with all my stuffs intact including a huge umbrella that i was carrying that time while i was staring at my injured friend still inside the trike. we caused traffic that day, i did not believe i was still alive, so i searched for possible wounds all over my body and there was none. not a single bruise. my friend suffered a broken arm in which she was in cast for a month. till now i'm thinking how i did survive such accident. to think i was the one inside and she was near the egress, she could go out easily compared to me but it was the other way around. think of it as a miracle, maybe it is.


it was my break at 2.30 am when the occurence happened. the spot? our office elevator. i have never seen such presence this strong. i was about to go out and get some fresh air when i come across the office elevator. it rapidly closes and opens like there's someone waitin inside for somebody to get in. at first i thought it was a glitch. so i stared at the restless elevator for about a minute and its still doin its thing. it would not stop. i was the only person at that time on the floor. it started to get cold and am gettin goosebumps big time. i ran towards the call floor and hit on my headset and started calling again. but i feel they're still around observing me. i just ignored them though and they never did bother. creepy.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

the power of the palm

I have stumbled on one blog last week and I find it so interesting. I feel I'm slowly able to tie the strings to my inner self little by little. I saw this blog and it was about the psychic cross. It says a true psychic bears that sign. Its in your palm. I tried to check my hand and I got one. Maybe this would explain a little about what's happening now. Or maybe not. I'm not sure. Anyways, I have searched a material that could be helpful. and it's interesting.


One firstly needs to remember that minor chakras exist in the hand. And the auric colours are at their most vivid around the fingers, the hollow of the palm is said to hold this energy, and it is the power for spiritual healing.
The biblical passage, length of days is in her right hand, and in her left are riches and honours, proverbs 3; 16, is a truth indeed.
Carl Jung the great psychologist often referred to palmistry as he evolved his theories of introversion /extroversion, [the majority of introverts being left handed.] And it is well known his theories in character differentiation was as a result of his studies into astrology and palmistry.
As the left brain side crosses over to govern the bodies right side and of course the right brain side, the bodies left side, and this is the key to know which hand to look at to look for advice on health, karma career romance etc.
There are standard signs of spiritual awareness, and elevation in the palm and fingers, although strangely these are rarely seen in church dignitaries,
A first finger that is slightly longer than the third, and a little pointed, (1) is often taken to be a sign of an inner knowing or gnosis, but bear in mind the difference between religious feelings and those which are spiritual, the one coming from outside, and spirituality coming from within.
When the lines in the central hollow of the palm covering the section known as “the plain of Mars”, form a small cross this is often called “the psychic cross”, a known sign of seer ship. (2) The girdle of Jupiter”, a line crossing under the index finger, is understood to refer to Metaphysical interests or abilities, certainly it is the sign of the spiritual student, princess Diana had a good example, I may show her palm-print at a later date.(3)
The particular mark of the spirit medium is a line from under the mercury or little finger, curving to the mount of Luna, or heel of the hand.
In my 50 years in spiritual studies I have seen this unusual mark many times.
Medium Doris Collins had a splendid example. (4)
Mediums are known for their care of others, and Isaiah 49-16 says;” for behold, I have engraven thee on the palms of my hands, thy walls are continually before me” an endorsement of both palmistry and helping others.
A hand with many lines is called a “full hand” and shows sensitivity, so these people are aware of subtle vibrations of colour, places and people.
This is a common sign with psychics and seers, but not healers
If you examine your own life line which encompasses the part of the hand known to medicine as “the thenar eminence”, or mount of Venus to palmists, this line of life on its journey round the thumb, must be viewed as a river, cutting its way through the terrain of hills and valleys, plains and mountains, telling its unique story of our journey through life, and of our successes and failures. (5) The ideal lifeline should sweep widely into the hand, be unbroken with no dots digs bars or islands, a warm pink in colour and surround a raised even mound, and this tells of the kind of energy available to the subject, and where it will be spent.
Good healers will have a strong, deep and sweeping life-line symbolising the strong energies needed in healing, the chakric type can be ascertained with practise from palmer signs to tell the kind of healing is natural to the subject.
Often a line of Mars or inner life line is seen (6) and this bolsters the person at the time shown, it can also refer to a guardian or parent.
Some modern readers would perhaps see it as an “angel line”.
It is advisable to compare all lines but particularly the bracelet lines which cross the wrist at the palmer base, traditionally these carry the simplistic terms of health wealth and happiness, but they are a good guide to where the life energies will be directed (7)
The life-line is divided into 4 sections, corresponding to; Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, which relate to; Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity, and old age, or Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. The psychologist Carl Jung further divided the grouping into; Sensation. Feeling, intuition and thinking.
Some schools further divide into North, South, East, and West to determine life paths, and goals, incidentally the very word ”news” is made from the initials of the 4 directions.
Certainly a compass placed within the life line will give pointers, to countries of influence, but keep in mind that a healthy body has enough iron to make a six inch nail, and may affect a future location reading to some degree.
The hand is divided down the middle, with the thumb side representing the conscious or outward direction of chi energies, the other hand side speaks of the inward direction or subconscious factors. (8) A line drawn at right angles to this beginning from the start of the head line, forms a cross, and I refer to this as the “Palmer Celtic Cross”
And this can be used with the tarot for further information.
Emanuel Kant the great philosopher, [1724-1804] attempted to reconcile the two groups of thought that ruled both philosophy and palmistry during his lifetime, the idealists with their lofty ideas of spirit, and the materialists or realists with their down to earth pragmatism, were opposing groups. Just as today we have the scientific palmists who say a line here unalterably means this, and the intuitive palmists who work by inspiration or psychometry, holistic palmists embrace both schools of thought, and with its emphasis on therapy and unity, can offer a far reaching touch into the soul, which can help heal wounds of long go, remember the occult saying;” old sins cast long shadows”, a healer looking inside us can often give us a focus on misdeeds, that can be from a life long past, that still chain us down with guilt or sadness. And from which we need release.
So our current spiritual landscape, is conditioned inexorably by our doings of yesteryear, recognition, and acceptance of this is known to bring “catharsis”, or relief, for did not Jesus say, “Seek the truth, for the truth will set you free, “ And truth always shows in the palmistic chart or palmerscope, for the hand can never lie .
So in essence the most prominent line in the hand, the lifeline may tell us when the sunshine will come and the showers too, compare every line in a reading to this one, in fact Shakespeare that master of Astrology and Palmistry, said “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which if taken at the flood, lead on to good fortune”, a good reader will tell us when to follow the flood, and when to wait, and all is shown in the life line, the life can offer us a rich, abundant harvest, if we know when to plant the crop.
Bear in mind that the tree trunk, by its annular rings will tell us a story, each ring representing a year, so also, each year on the life line being slightly less than the width of a match stick, will show important events.
The 7 major planets of astrological theory, the 7 bodies of Theosophy, the 7 laws of Spiritualism, directly relate to the 7 shapes of palm. All depict a different karmic emphasis, although most modern palmists use 4 major divisions.
The different palmer types will give the message on our most active chakras and soul patterning, and most importantly our present karmic tasks, answering the age old questions, who am I ? why am I here, ? and where do I go.?
So the ultimate penetration of the kaleidoscope of destinies that await us as we journey through life, may be seen in the life map that is our hand.
“happy palmistry”
T. Stokes consultant palmist copyright 1990 Palms read by post or email at--


Walking through the path of the unknown is weakening. It pays a lot of courage to be sitting in one day normal and the next day disturbed. This is a journal of my not-so-human experiences. It also contains gathered information on the paranormal and black arts. I think its about time that I share some of the things that was felt and seen by me. Such a long time have I waited for the courage to be out in the open. To not care if others would think me pathetic. I have created this for hoping that someone who knows the craft could help me get out of the labyrinth.


it was in college when i started to feel a little weird about myself. weird in a sense that i'm seeing things that a normal person wouldn't. sounds silly, i know but when you really have it experienced, i bet that will linger in your mind till the day you die. first encounter with a not-so-like us was when i was doing my term paper. i remembered it was even about ESP (extra sensory perception). i was so tired at that time i dozed off. suddenly, i woke up but i saw my body still lying on the mattress. i was so asleep so i thought me being up was only a dream. and the creepy thing happened. i went in front of the mirror to check on myself, and to my horror, an image of a lady reflected on the mirror. she was holding a candle in black and was wearing a terno, that was i think the fashion circa 1900's. i can't see her face but she was really blocking my reflection. i screamed so hard, but as if nobody hears me. i tried praying but when i started to pray, she mimics what i say. i really felt i'm gonna die that time. so terrified but still keeping my composure, i tried to make one of my toes move. in the olden times, they said that if you're having a bad dream, doing that would make you wake up. and so i did. i woke up with that image lingering inside my head. i told it to everyone i know including my mom. and they would not believe me. and that's the start of my journey... and i'm still travelling alone.